Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association

Going Strong Since 1904

From the Honey Queen
  by Teresa Bryson (final article) - 2010 PA Honey Queen

Hello Pennsylvania beekeepers! January has flow by with my participation in the American Honey Queen competition at the North American Beekeeping Conference and Tradeshow in Galveston, Texas and the 2011 Pennsylvania Farm Show.

At the end of the five day convention, I was selected as the 2011 American Honey Queen. Your support and encouragement, plus the many promotional activities you invited me to in 2010, provided the experience I needed to achieve the national title.

Honey Queen at PA State Farm Show

Honey Queen with kids at PA State Farm Show

The week in Galveston started January 4 with the welcome reception, allowing members of the American Beekeeping Federation, American Honey Producers Association, Canadian Honey Council and beekeepers from Mexico the opportunity to meet and discusses the latest trends in beekeeping. Wednesday of that week, I spoke before a crowd of almost 550 people, met with the beekeepers and participated in the Quiz Bowl. Thursday, I presented my marketing presentation to nearly 100 people at the ABF Ladies Auxiliary breakfast meeting. The ladies enjoyed my rendition of a trip back to Ancient Egypt. Friday, I worked with the Texas Honey Queen Allison Adams, and the 2010 American Honey Queen and Princess, Lisa Shluttenhofer and Amy Roden, at the Kids and Bees event. Over 1,000 students from the Galveston area traveled to the convention center when we taught them about many aspects of the beekeeping industry. After Kids and Bees, I attended the Foundation for the Preservation of Honeybees luncheon, where I learned from industry scientists about new research and future goals for beekeeping. Saturday morning I was interview by the three judges, before heading back to the convention to sell raffle tickets.

Honey Queen at PA State Farm Show

Honey Queen at PA State Farm Show Ice Cream Stand

Immediately after the convention, I jetted back to PA and straight to the PA Farm Show. I spent three days at the Farm Show and enjoyed every minute of it. I was able to help in the ice cream stand by taking orders and answering questions. I also worked at the educational area, explaining the importance of honeybees, and I spoke at two extraction demonstrations.

Thank you for all your support throughout my year and I ask for all of you to support the 2011 PA Honey Queen and Princess, Alyssa Fine and Emily Bruckert. I hope to see you all at several events this year. Thank you again for an amazing experience.

From the Honey Queen (December 2010)
  by Teresa Bryson - 2010 Honey Queen

Hello everyone! It was wonderful to see so many of you at the state convention!

On November 6th I traveled to Ebensburg for the 2Cs and a Bee banquet. At the banquet I spoke about the events I have attended and the importance of the honey queen program. It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and meet new people. Thank you to Ken Hoover for inviting me.

Honey Queen at the Honey Show Awards

Honey Show Awards

Honey Queen giving her final remarks

The Honey Queen gives her final remarks

My next event was the PSBA convention on the 12th and 13th. While at the convention I spoke to many people about the events I have attended through out the year and the number of people I have reached. At the banquet Friday night I had the opportunity to speak about the importance of the honey queen program and perform my marketing presentation that I will be giving at the American Honey Queen contest in January. At the end of the night I had the privilege of crowning the 2011 Pennsylvania Honey Queen and Princess. Congratulations to Alyssa Fine and Emily Bruckart.

On Monday, the 15th, I traveled to Hampden Elementary School in Mechanicsburg for a day of presentations. I spoke to 5 first grade classes about the role of each honeybee in the hive, why honeybees are important, and how much of our food is dependent on honeybees. I spoke to over 100 students at this school.

Honey Queen at Mount Rock Elementary School

Mount Rock Elementary School Presentation

On Friday, the 19th, I traveled to the Mount Rock Elementary School in Newville for another day of presentations. I spoke to kindergarten through fifth grade students. I explained to all the students that honeybees pollinate some of their favorite foods. I also showed them some of the equipment beekeepers use. I spoke to about 200 students at this event.

Honey Queen at Sheperdstown Elementary School

Shepherdstown Elementary School Presentation

Monday, November 22nd, I traveled back to Mechanicsburg to Shepherdstown Elementary School where I gave presentations to two first grade classes. I spoke to the students about the jobs each bee does in the hive, showed them the smoker, and explained why honeybees are important for our food industry. I also taught the students how to "waggle dance" and explained why the bees waggle dance. I spoke to almost 80 students.

It has been such a reward experience representing the beekeeping industry and all of you this year and I am sorry to see it coming to a close. I wish the very best to both Alyssa and Emily and hope you will invite these two young women to your events in 2011.

Thank you all so very much for the experience.

From the Honey Queen (November 2010)
  by Teresa Bryson

Hello everyone!
October has been keeping me busy with promotions, projects and college home work.

On September 29th I had my third radio interview, with WEEO 103.7 FM. It was an hour long interview and I spoke about the importance of honeybees, some of the problems beekeepers are facing, and how the public can help. I also spoke about the many uses of honey and some of the varieties of Honey found in Pennsylvania. I reach about 7,000 people.

On October 2nd I traveled to Penn State University for the Great Insect Fair. I spent the day helping with honey tasting, explaining why all types of honey do not taste the same or have the same color, and answering questions. I was able to speak to several thousand people and really enjoyed helping the beekeepers. Thank you to Maryann Frazier for inviting me.

I attended the Fall Farm Fest at Dutch Wonderland on October 3rd. The Fall Farm Fest included activities for children with a focus on agriculture. I had a display with educational information and honey sticks, which were a big attraction. I spoke to about 80 people.

On October 5th I attended the Franklin County Beekeepers Annual Banquet. I spoke to those in attendance and crowned the 2010-2011 Franklin County Honey Queen.

2010 Honey Queen

Greencastle Apple Fest

On October 9th I attended the Greencastle Apple Fest where I worked with the Franklin County Honey Queen, Shauna Pieruccini. We had a craft for the children and educational information. I spoke to about 100 people.

2010 Honey Queen

York Beekeepers Banquet

2010 Honey Queen

York Beekeepers Banquet

In the evening I traveled to York to attend the York Beekeepers Banquet. I spoke about the events I had attended and a few highlights of my year. Thank you to Jeremy Barnes for inviting me.

2010 Honey Queen

Paradise Elementary School

2010 Honey Queen

Paradise Elementary School (another class)

On October 13th I traveled to Paradise Elementary School to give presentations to the kindergarden through fourth grade students. I gave five presentations and spoke to over 300 students.

Although my year as queen is coming to an end, there is still time to arrange an apperance from me. Please contact Linda Hackenberg, 570-568-2337, or Rachel Bryson, 717-643-0010, to schedule a promotion.

I look forward to seeing all of you at the PSBA convention in Lewisburg November 12 and 13.

From the Honey Queen (October 2010)
  by Teresa Bryson

Hello everyone! Can you believe fall is upon us? Though I hope many of you had successful honey harvest in the past month, I have been kept busy promoting the sweetest part of agriculture.

On August 24th I traveled to the West End Fair where I set up a display with information about honey bees and beekeeping. While at the fair I was able to talk to members of the master gardener's group and member of the herb growers group. I also spoke to fair board members and several people interested in becoming beekeepers.

I attended the Somerset County Fair on August 27th, promoting our industry through a craft for the children and also educational information. I was able to speak to many people about how they can help the honeybee and provide those interested with information on becoming beekeepers.

On August 28th I attended the Hookstown fair where I worked with the local beekeepers in their stand. I was able to explain to the public what the bees do in the bee hive by showing the observation hive. I also used the observation hive to show that honey bees collect pollen and in doing so pollinate our food.

I attended the Kiwanis Wyoming Fair on September 4th. The day I was at the fair was the queen reunion day so I was able to speak too many of the past fair queens during their ice cream social. While at the fair I spoke to many people about the importance of honey bees and what they can do to help the honey bee population.

2010 Honey Queen

Penn's Valley

On September 5th I attended Crickfest, which is a community event outside of Penn State to benefit the Penns Valley Conservation Association. I spoke to many people at this event, including people who had been beekeepers and were interested in getting back into beekeeping. I also spoke to many children and their parents about why honey bees are important to our lives.

2010 Honey Queen

West Alexander Fair

I traveled to the West Alexander Fair on September 6th. I was at the fair on the first day so I was invited to ride in the opening parade. At my display I had a craft for children and had many children stop by to "Make a bee."

2010 Honey Queen

Langstroth Marker Dedication

2010 Honey Queen

Lancaster Farming Interview

On September 10th I traveled to Philadelphia to attend the marker placement for Rev. L.L. Langstroth in honor of his 200th birthday. I was one of the speakers that this amazing event. I spoke to those in attendance about Langstroth's life in Philadelphia and his "eureka" moment when he, while walking back from his apiary, had the idea to use the bee space throughout the hive instead of just at the inner cover. After the marker placement part of the event was over I was interviewed by a reporter for the Lancaster Farmer, which has approximately 168,000 readers. I was also quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer, which has over 356,189 readers. I then went to reception where I was able to speak too many of the guests. Thank you to the Philadelphia Beekeepers Guild for inviting me.

2010 Honey Queen

York Fair

I attended the York Fair on September 11th. At the fair I work with several of the York beekeepers at their stand and was able to speak to many people that stopped by to see the observation hive. I was able to explain to the public how honey is made and what some of the many uses of honey are. Thank you to the York Beekeepers for inviting me to work with you.

On September 15th I had the wonderful opportunity to work with the 2010 American Honey Queen, Lisa Schluttenhofer, for the day giving school presentations. We gave four presentations and spoke to approximately 300 students.

I traveled to Berlin for the Berlin Brothers Fair on September 17th. This fair has events at many locations and I was with the fruit and vegetable exhibits that were in the gymnasium of the high school. Each grade came through and I was able to speak to them about honey bees and answer their many questions. I spoke to approximately 600 students.

On September 18th I attended the Oley Fair. At the fair I spoke to many people who were interested in the current state of beekeeping and how the drought in many parts of the state was affecting the honey bees. I also participated in a hay ball toss and spoke to the over 100 people about the importance of honey bees. I spoke to approximately 150 people total at this event.

2010 Honey Queen

Gratz Fair

I attended the Gratz Fair on September 24th. I was able to speak to many people, both children and adults, about the importance of honey bees. I also spoke to some of the local beekeepers about how their hives were doing and if the drought had affected them. I spoke to approximately 50 people at this event. I still have room in my fall schedule for events and I would love to come to your part of Pennsylvania. Please contact Linda Hackenberg, 570-568-2337, or Rachel Bryson, 717-643-0010, to set up and event with me.

I'll bee seeing you!!

From the Honey Queen (September 2010)
  by Teresa Bryson

Hello everyone! I hope everyone is having a great summer and that the honey flow has been good. On July 27th I traveled to the Bedford Fair. I gave two cooking demonstrations to approximately 40 people. I also set up a display about honey bees. While giving my cooking demonstrations, I had the opportunity to speak to those in attendance about the importance of honey bees, uses of honey, and how to become a beekeeper. I spoke to approximately 80 people total.

On July 28th I attended the Lebanon Fair. I gave one cooking demonstration where I made Holiday Party Punch, Honey Crispies, and a yogurt dip. While giving my demonstration, I also talked about the health uses of honey and the cosmetic uses of honey. I gave a second, 30 minute educational talk about the three types of honey bees, the importance of honey bees, and the many uses of honey. While at the Lebanon fair I was also interviewed by WLBR, the talk radio station in Lebanon. I spoke to 60 people while at the fair and reached another 50,000 through my radio interview.

On August 5th I rode in the Greencastle Old Home Week parade with the Franklin County Honey Queen, DeAnna Loudermilk. This was an especially enjoyable event for me in my hometown. The festival is held every three years. Approximately 2,500 people lined the parade route. August 10th I attended the Tioga County Fair, where I set up an educational display. I also provided a craft for the children I spoke to. I was able to talk to several beekeepers from the area and several people that were interested in becoming beekeepers. While at the Tioga fair, I spoke to approximately 50 people, including 4-H members and members of the fair board.

I traveled to the Carbon County Fair on August 11th. I spoke at the opening ceremonies about the importance of honey bees and the importance of supporting beekeepers. After speaking at the opening ceremonies I talked to several of the county commissioners and other town officials. I spoke to over 300 people while at this fair.

On August 13th I traveled to La Vale, Maryland, where I spoke at the Allegheny Mountain Beekeepers Association annual honey fest about the honey queen program and gave a cooking demonstration. While speaking about the queen program, I also talked about some of the events I have attended and encouraged those beekeepers from Maryland to consider starting a queen program. For my cooking demonstration, I made two dips and a drink. I spoke to 53 people at the event. On August 14th I attended the Greene County Fair, in Waynesburg. While at the fair, I had an educational display and I also provided a craft for the children I spoke to. Almost 30 people stopped by my display.

2010 Honey Queen

Honey Queen Teresa Bryson with other volunteers working in the PSBA ice cream stand at Ag Progress Days

From August 17th through the 19th I was attended Ag Progress Days in Rock Springs, just outside of State College, where I worked with the beekeepers in the educational center and the ice cream stand. While at Ag Progress Days, I attended the special guests lunch on Wednesday. I spoke to several members of congress at this luncheon about the importance of honey bees. I also was able to attend the tour of the apiary. Over 10,000 people stopped by the beekeepers booth. On August 20th I attended the Harford fair. At the fair I worked with the local beekeeper's organization in their stand. I helped with honey tasting, selling honey, and educated the public about honey bees. The stand included an observation hive, which I used to show the different types of honey bees, how you can tell them apart, and explained what each bee does in the hive. I spoke to approximately 250 people at this event

For National Honey Bee Awareness Day on August 21st, I traveled to Emmaus, where I attended the Lehigh Valley Beekeepers at the Pool Wildlife Sanctuary. I provided a craft for the children that attended, had information on the honey queen program, and helped with honey tasting. I also had the opportunity to assist with an extraction demonstration. I spoke to approximately 200 at this event.

I still have openings in my schedule for fall promotions and now is the time to schedule an appearance from me. Please contact Linda Hackenberg, 570-568-2337, or Rachel Bryson, 717-643-0010, to confirm an event. Thank you for your support.

Current 'From the Honey Queen' article and detailed contact information available on our Honey Queen Program page.

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Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association is a 501(c)5 non-profit organization.

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